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Manage Anxiety/Work through Depression/Gain power over PTSD/Balance Work , Life, Family/Gain Self-Esteem/Breaking Through Barriers


     You have struggled with your problem.  You have tried everything you know to manage symptoms, sleep better, and keep your problem from taking over your life.  Sometimes things start to get better on their own and you feel such relief!  Then, the problem seems to come back on its own.  You are tired of trying to manage and so much of your energy seems to go to talking yourself through this.  I understand and I can help.


  Many times the problem does not get solved by trying to talk yourself through things, and you are NOT a failure because you couldn't pick yourself up by your boot straps or talk yourself through something.  The problems can become solved only when true subconscious healing takes place.  Why? The subconscious mind generally is the feeling part of the mind.  If something has taken place in your life that tended to wound or overwhelm the feeling part, it does not necessarily link to the more adaptive parts of the brain, but instead  codes into the brain as a stand alone incident.  When  such an incident happens, things that tend to remind the subconscious of the original overwhelming incident such as sights, feelings, bodily sensations tend to trigger the subconscious to respond as if the original incident is happening again instead of feeling that the incident is something from the past. The subconscious responds as if the past is in the present and a pattern begins to form. The person starts becoming very sensitive to words, or sensations that even slightly feel like the original hurtful event.  


Let me give you a real life example of how this works.  Say you were raised in a very critical family.  You accomplished something you were very proud of only to have someone criticize you or find something wrong with what you felt was very good. You weren't ready for the criticism because you thought your accomplishment was  good, so it really hurt.  This hurt felt very overwhelming to the subconscious mind.  Remember it is the feeling part of the mind, so it doesn't always make sense or can't just say "Oh that person is always critical."  The hurt lodges in and over the years you become even more sensitive because more criticisms happen when you just aren't prepared for them.  You start feeling that you really can't do anything right, or that you have difficulties succeeding. You become so sensitive to hearing criticism that if someone walks up to you and says "Do this instead of that"  you hear "You are just too much of a failure to figure that out on your own."  and instant anger, hurt, anxiety, over reaction etc.  Changing such incidents can only happen if the subconscious can let go of it's hurt and  heal so that it is not so sensitive to such remarks. When subconscious healing takes place the subconscious mind can connect with more adaptive memory networks and readily move forward instead of being stuck frozen in it's hurt state.    When adaptive memory networks are created, a person can talk themselves through tough incidents and talk positively to themselves and the subconscious believes it. 


     Are you ready to take steps to take control of your life and be happier, have healthier relationships, or a healthier lifestyle? I can help you tap into your powerful subconscious mind and help healing take place. I will work with you to uncover strengths and regain power so you can make the changes needed to feel better and lead a more fulfilling life. I will help you to  reach your life goals. Let's get started on creating the path you want for your life.

I am currently taking new clients for video and in-person sessions. I currently only take Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Blue Cross, Select Health, Aetna, and United Healthcare insurance. (I don't take Medicaid and don't take Medicare for the above insurances) I will also take self-pay clients.


I use EMDR/Hypnosis/ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/ Guided Imagery/Mindfulness/ Motivational Interviewing/ Behavior Modification, to help my adult clients free themselves from limiting beliefs and free their energy to pursue the life they wish to pursue. Below are common issues I see people for.


Arrows indicate my specialties



  • Addiction

  • Adoption

  • Alcohol Abuse

  • Anger Management

  • Anxiety

  • Behavioral Issues

  • Career Counseling

  • Chronic Pain

  • Codependency

  • Coping Skills

  • Depression

  • Divorce

  • Domestic Abuse

  • Drug Abuse

  • Emotional Disturbance

  • Family Conflict

  • Gambling Problems


  • Grief
  • Infidelity

  • Internet Addiction

  • Life Coaching

  • Marital and Premarital Coaching

  • Obesity

  • Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD)

  • Parenting

  • Peer Relationships

  • PTSD/ Trauma

  • Relationship Issues

  • Self Esteem Improvement

  • Self-Harming

  • Sexual Abuse

  • Sleep or Insomnia

  • Sports Performance


I don't tend to get good results with autism or severe ADHD so if you have one of those diagnoses you might best be served by someone else.     


  Life is too short to suffer.  Problems do not tend to disappear by themselves even though we wish they would... Let me help you make the changes you want to make in your life. Most therapies I use are very fast working and free people from pain, anxiety,  feeling out of control in their own lives, and quickly help them move forward towards a more fulfilling life. 


Telehealth services are also available.


Text me at 208 242 2701 or e-mail me at for appointment availability

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​© 2016 by MoonShadow CreativeWorks.

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