Let me help to ease your struggles...
Deborah Russo, LCSW, CHt
Certified Hypnotherapist
I became interested in hypnosis when I could not for the life of me, quit smoking. I went to see one hypnotist and did not even come close to quitting. I went to see another hypnotist and his program was more successful, but I only had limited success, and as I listened to the supportive CD, I thought to myself, I don’t think this person has ever smoked in his life. By that time, I was so fascinated by hypnosis that I had started studying it. I created my own stop-smoking program and recorded it for myself. Freedom!!!! I was able to completely stop smoking and I felt free from that horrible habit for the first time in 10 years! I was fascinated by hypnosis by that time and I realized that I could help people with my program! I started studying hypnosis in earnest and wanted more training. I studied and became certified in hypnosis through the National Guild of Hypnotists in 2002. I began seeing hypnosis clients for a variety of reasons, but most of my business was helping clients with smoking cessation and losing weight. I generally had good success and soon local physicians and primary care providers (PCPs) referred some of their patients to me for help. I loved practicing hypnosis and learned that it could help clients for much more than losing weight and quitting smoking even though those are very important applications. I continued studying hypnosis and received a Master’s Certification through The National Board of Professional and Ethical Standards. I began to read studies in peer reviewed journals indicating that hypnosis could be used to help people manage chronic pain. Hypnosis was used to successfully help people overcome side effects of chemotherapy treatment. It helped them manage symptoms of cancer and other diseases. It was used to help people decrease symptoms of PTSD and anxiety. I began trying to bring the studies I had read to local hospitals and pain clinics. I was met politely for the most part but hospitals and pain clinics informed me that they could only let those with a Master’s Degree or above see clients there. They would not refer clients to a person without a college degree either.
I felt so stuck. It felt as if there were 2 of me battling inside. You helped me feel whole. Thank you !
Patty G. Boise, ID
"I can't begin to tell you how much you helped me and how easy it was to just let go of the things that were holding me back."
Megan H. Nampa, ID

Let me help you and your family...
Deborah Russo, LCSW, CHt
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
I obtained my bachelors of Science (BS) degree in psychology from Boise State University in 2005. I picked psychology because I have always been fascinated by the way the mind works, and I thought that if I learned more about the mind, it would make me a far better hypnotist. I then worked at an inpatient mental health facility where I learned and utilized guided imagery and neuro linguistic programming in group situations to help people manage symptoms of depression, anxiety, and sleeping problems. I did not use hypnosis there because it was not allowed. I kept a hypnosis business going on the side of my full time position for a number of years. I became very good friends with some of the therapists at the inpatient mental health clinic and enjoyed talking therapy with them. I learned that many techniques could help people relatively quickly and became interested in learning them. Most therapies, including hypnosis training through the Milton Erickson Foundation would only provide training to those with a Master’s Degree or above. I decided to get my Master’s Degree and was accepted into the Masters of Social Work program at Boise State University. I attended from Aug 2009 -May of 2011. Upon receiving my Master’s Degree I pursued learning effective and fast techniques to help people change including Play Therapy, EMDR, Mindfulness, and Ericksonian Hypnosis. I also learned tried and true therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to assist with the other therapies I utilized. I love helping people and will continue to do my best to help the children, adults, and families I see to make the changes they want to in their lives.
I can use the training and experience I gained through hypnosis and counseling to help many people gain the benefits they wish to make in their lives more quickly. I have, through my work in the mental health field, gained insight into how mental health stresses and pressures keep people from being able to change and I have learned ways to help people manage symptoms of such so that they can free energy to make changes. It is VERY important to be able to address underlying issues that keep people stuck in their habits and make change difficult. I use therapies that tend to work quickly
so that you can get to the life you want to live
Telehealth services are also available.
Text me at 208 242 2701 or e-mail me at debrusso3@gmail.com for an appointment